====== Mailing List ====== A general mailing list for UKHAS and high altitude ballooning. **A lot of effort has been put into the material on this wiki, especially the tutorials. Please respect the time of your fellow hobbyists by checking the wiki doesn't already answer a question that you might want to pose to the list.** * [[http://groups.google.com/group/ukhas|UKHAS Mailing list]] ====== List Split and Moderation Proposals ====== * {{:ukhas:ukhasmailinglistproposal.pdf|Proposal Outline}} - accepted by majority vote at the [[general:ukhasconference2012|UKHAS 2012 Conference]]. * {{:ukhas:ukhasmailinglistsplitplan.pdf|Mailing List Split Procedure}} * {{:ukhas:ukhasmoderationpolicies.pdf|Proposed Moderation Policies}}