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How to use MULTIPSK as an APRS IGATE

This short description shows how to set up an APRS Internet Gateway using MULTIPSK. MULTIPSK is an audio decoding software, which is able to decode many different modes. We are gonna using it for APRS decoding just with a simple FM receiver. Unfortunately MULTIPSK is build for Windows only. If you're running Linux just try to use it with Wine. There are some notes about how to use it with Wine in the Readme.

First of all we need the current build of MULTIPSK. You can download it here. You will get a bunch of files in the folder you must extract.

The installation is done by the file INSTAL.exe. It will open the installation window.

Just hit the button with the green tick. Everything else is done automatically.

After the installation took place, the installation wizard closes itself and MULTIPSK will start automatically.

Don't care too much about all these options. We are not going to need them. Just press the RX/TX screen button and the actual program will open. An unnecessary window will open with the title “QRGs” is pushed, so frequencies for this mode are displayed: Just close it. We don't need that stuff.

Then change the mode to PACKET+APRS. As result, the buttons at the top will change to the specific APRS menu. Now do these steps:

  1. Configure your callsign
  2. Check 1200 baud is activated
  3. Connect your radio and check if the sound level is at a suitable level
  4. Open advanced APRS menu by clicking the button APRS

After doing Step 4, a new window will open. Just click the button Internet and another creepy window will open.

This is the final window, which will provide the transmission of the received packets to the internet. The size of the window is not pretty smart. Just resize it, that every button fits in the window. Then do these steps:

  1. Activate the button Transfer the received frames to the server
  2. Press the button Connection to connect the software to an APRS-IS (APRS Internet Server)

After pressing the connection button, a bunch of data will appear in the log textarea. That's the sign for that everything is working correctly.

IMPORTANT: Don't close any window! You will then disconnect your APRS-IS connection and won't relay any packets to the internet!

If you have the ability to check your I-GATE yourself, just try to transmit an APRS packet. Your position should be shown in the Packet APRS frames decoding/coding window

and of course on

guides/aprs/tracking.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/11 18:26 by lz1dev

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